
Welcome to Sincerity

Dear reader,

Here you will find a large range of topics, personal experiences, and lots of heart.   

As to who I am, well, by God's grace I am not who I was yesterday. My relationship to the Lord is very important to me and with this blog I wish to encourage readers in their walk with the Lord as well.

Philippians 4:8 is a verse I strive to live by and it is my hope that this blog will be a reflection of that truth. 

There are many insightful and inspiring blogs on the internet so I am humbled when people choose to stop by and visit.  

You have an impact on my life, and the life of fellow readers, when you share your thoughts and suggestions.  So thank you for lingering. I look forward to your next visit.

But above all things may the Lord be glorified!

Blessings to you. 

~ Sincerity